Home / Week 7: Awake Your Dream

Week 7: Awake Your Dream

Genesis 37:5 (AMP)- Now Joseph had a dream and he told it to his brothers, and they hated him still more.


Have you ever had a dream that was beyond your thinking? You may have tried for weeks, months and years to bring it into fruition. As God’s chosen, there is definitely more to what you are seeing and experiencing. God wants to awake the dream He placed on the inside of you. Genesis 37:5 (AMP) states, Now Joseph had a dream and he told it to his brothers, and they hated him still more. Like Joseph, there will be many people that may not agree with your dream. It will compel you to ask yourself the question, “Why are they trying to make me quit?” The reason is because you are very important and significant. Therefore, focus your attention on making big strides towards what you believe and raise your level of expectation. God is positioning you to receive something great and give you His very best!


A dream occurs when something great happens which cannot be obtained in the natural. You envision something bigger than your present state. In the midst of accomplishing your dream, it is necessary to protect it and remain carefree. Surround yourself with people that feed your creativity and enhance your progression. Continue to be willing to adjust, pray and follow God and His instructions.


The dream that God placed on the inside of you is true. So, you can have confidence in Him and trust that it will come to pass. See yourself as special in the eyes of God because there are amazing destinies tied to the manifestation of your dream.


Keep Dreaming!

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